1 May 2022, Wednesday


The surgical excision of uterine leiomyomas, often known as fibroids, is referred to as myomectomy or fibroidectomy

The uterus is seen and fibroids are found and removed using the laparoscopic method. During a myomectomy. the surgeon aims to remove symptom-causing fibroids while also reconstructing the uterus.

A myomectomy, unlike a hysterectomy, removes only the fibroids and leaves the uterus intact.
Although myomectomy is extremely effective, fibroids can grow again. You are more likely to develop fibroids again in the future if you are younger and have more fibroids at the time of myomectomy. After a myomectomy, women approaching menopause are the least likely to get recurrent fibroids.

Your doctor may advise you to have this procedure if your fibroids are causing symptoms such as pelvic ache, prolonged durations, erratic bleeding, frequent urination, etc.


    Bone Cancer Grading

    Bone Cancer Grading

    ‘Grade’ of the tumor is a histological calculation of the aggressiveness of a malignant tumor (more specifically, its ability to metastasize, i.e. the ability to spread to other regions of the body).

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    What is Cancer?

    What is Cancer?

    Cancer is a general term used for a group of disorders, which manifest in most cases as an abnormal mass/lump/swelling formed due to abnormal cells that multiply uncontrollably, and which have the potential to invade other tissues, both local and distant.

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    1 May 2022, Wednesday


    The surgical excision of uterine leiomyomas, often known as fibroids, is referred to as myomectomy or fibroidectomy

    The uterus is seen and fibroids are found and removed using the laparoscopic method. During a myomectomy. the surgeon aims to remove symptom-causing fibroids while also reconstructing the uterus.

    A myomectomy, unlike a hysterectomy, removes only the fibroids and leaves the uterus intact.
    Although myomectomy is extremely effective, fibroids can grow again. You are more likely to develop fibroids again in the future if you are younger and have more fibroids at the time of myomectomy. After a myomectomy, women approaching menopause are the least likely to get recurrent fibroids.

    Your doctor may advise you to have this procedure if your fibroids are causing symptoms such as pelvic ache, prolonged durations, erratic bleeding, frequent urination, etc.


      Importance of Bone Cancer Biopsy

      Importance of Bone Cancer Biopsy

      Biopsy is a minor surgical procedure in which a small piece of the tumor tissue is sampled and sent for evaluation to a pathologist, who examines it under a microscope to establish its exact histological identity/name (diagnosis).

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      Bone Cancer Grading

      Bone Cancer Grading

      ‘Grade’ of the tumor is a histological calculation of the aggressiveness of a malignant tumor (more specifically, its ability to metastasize, i.e. the ability to spread to other regions of the body).

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      What is Cancer?

      What is Cancer?

      Cancer is a general term used for a group of disorders, which manifest in most cases as an abnormal mass/lump/swelling formed due to abnormal cells that multiply uncontrollably, and which have the potential to invade other tissues, both local and distant.

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