The surgical excision of uterine leiomyomas, often known as fibroids, is referred to as myomectomy or fibroidectomy
The uterus is seen and fibroids are found and removed using the laparoscopic method. During a myomectomy. the surgeon aims to remove symptom-causing fibroids while also reconstructing the uterus.
A myomectomy, unlike a hysterectomy, removes only the fibroids and leaves the uterus intact.
Although myomectomy is extremely effective, fibroids can grow again. You are more likely to develop fibroids again in the future if you are younger and have more fibroids at the time of myomectomy. After a myomectomy, women approaching menopause are the least likely to get recurrent fibroids.
Your doctor may advise you to have this procedure if your fibroids are causing symptoms such as pelvic ache, prolonged durations, erratic bleeding, frequent urination, etc.
What Is the Role of Surgery in the Treatment of Bone Sarcoma?
Surgery has a very important role in the management of bone sarcomas. Without surgery, most of these diseases would start growing again, soon after the radiotherapy and/or chemotherapy treatment is over.
Your Guide to Chemotherapy
Chemotherapy is one of the foundations of modern bone sarcoma treatment and has revolutionized the management of chemo-sensitive tumors like Osteosarcoma, Ewing’s sarcoma, etc.
Your Guide to Radiotherapy
Radiotherapy is another treatment modality, which is very useful in cancer treatment. Radiotherapy uses a certain type of energy called as ionizing radiation
What is Limb Salvage Surgery?
Limb salvage surgery’ means saving the limb while effectively treating the malignant bone tumour affecting it.