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How To Reduce Bone Cancer Pain?
Pain is one of the most common and troubling symptoms of bone cancer, be it primary bone cancer (sarcoma)…
What is Stage 4 Bone Cancer?
Stage 4 bone cancer is an advanced stage of bone cancer. It can also be called metastatic bone cancer. It starts to spread to other areas of the body…
Is Bone Cancer Curable?
When we say bone cancer, it refers to the first group of cancers mentioned above, called ‘primary bone cancer’. It belongs to a family of cancers called ‘Sarcoma’.
Bone Cancer Staging Vs Grading
‘Grade’ of the tumor tells us how aggressive the disease is; especially about its tendency to metastasize (spread to other regions of the body).
Importance of Bone Cancer Biopsy
Biopsy is a minor surgical procedure in which a small piece of the tumor tissue is sampled and sent for evaluation to a pathologist, who examines it under a microscope to establish its exact histological identity/name (diagnosis).
Core Needle Biopsy (CNB) Vs Open Biopsy (OB), Which Is Better and Why?
‘‘Core Needle Biopsy’ in skilled hands, offers significant advantages over ‘Open Biopsy’ and therefore, it is the preferred method for obtaining tumor tissue samples.
Need help? Talk to Our Orthopaedic Oncologist
Get the Best Bone Cancer Treatment in India by consulting Dr. Chetan Anchan, one of the top orthopedic oncologists in Mumbai.